Sunday, September 14, 2014

Week 1 Blog: New Kid on the Block

New Kid on the Block
Let's face it, no one likes being the new kid.  Walking into an unfamiliar place; palms sweaty, heart beating out of your chest, and not knowing if you'll be accepted, is a whole mess of emotions that we feel when starting something fresh.

I personally, have been on the social networking block for more than 10 years of my life; however, using it for personal life and not so much professional.  Also, did not know how to use the Twitter account I did have.  Embarrassing enough, I've spent hours on Instagram, Facebook, and even Pinterest.  My purposes for those social networks is to stay in touch with people I've met at college, the military, or distant family members. 

My first week of class, "Exploring your Digital Toolbox" has really opened my eyes to the latest line of communication.  Twitter is a website that I thought was used to follow celebrities and keep up with sports.  Little did I know, it could reveal windows of opportunity that I did not realize could be available to me.  All I have to do is make it happen.  This website provided me with the nuts and bolts of creating a rapport with who I follow and how to present myself.

First, get a picture! Nobody likes an egg!  Second, follow people that have similar interests to you. Third, become active.  Retweet and mention people. Fourth, create lists.  Finally, set goals and have patience.

The most significant aspect of Twitter that I am finding is being active and consistent; putting yourself out there for the world to see.   After watching a very informative video, there are three essential actions to put forth when working a Personal Learning Network (PLN), and that is to:
1. Engage
2. Educate
3. Report

Hopefully, this will help anyone who is just trying to get a feel for Twitter and creating a PLN!  Goodluck out there ladies and gentlemen! 

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